Rsync put the backup into /root/Backup 
Found the folder using 

$du -h --max-depth=3 / | sort -h

also fixed the external NTFS HDD with M$-Windows (couldn't find an app
to fix ntfs on linux)

>On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 07:11:46 +0200
>Jonathan Aquilina <> wrote:

> If your hard disk is making scary noises that could be the drive
> starting to fail have you tried to determine if the drive is still
> good or on the way out?
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 2:12 AM, Kezhawe <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I tried to backup my gentoobox using rsync into a NTFS External
> > Drive Rsync Failed And now there is no space lesft on my root
> > directory "/" and kcore file size is 128 TiB and my External NTFS
> > HDD makes scary sounds (Like it is working hardly) even when its
> > not mounted rsync created some files/directories that i cant remove
> > them on my External HDD using "rm -rf" , Please help my to get my
> > system & HDD back to normal life.
> > --
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