(Perry Hutchison) wrote:

> Best choice for magtape is probably something like tar, cpio, or pax
> (for a file-oriented backup), or the appropriate variant of dump(8)
> (to back up an entire filesystem -- but not all FS formats have a
> dump/restore suite available).

I wouldn't have thought rsync a good choice either. I've used both tar and cpio 
in the past - I don't think there's much to choose between them, "personal 
comfort" with the tool is probably as big a factor as anything. Used them with 
QIC, DAT, DLT, and SLR over the years.

If you want "ease of use" and aren't averse to paid for/proprietary programs, 
then on a Mac I think Retrospect has a lot going for it. I've been using it for 
home and business use for something like 25 years - oh, that makes me feel old 
now ! It's exceedingly good for incremental/differential backups - I've tried a 
few others but always managed to find situations where they would miss copying 
files (not a good attribute for a backup system), an area Dantz has some 
patents on.

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