Dennis Steinkamp <> wrote:

> i tried to create a simple rsync script that should create daily backups from 
> a ZFS storage and put them into a timestamp folder. 
> After creating the initial full backup, the following backups should only 
> contain "new data" and the rest will be referenced via hardlinks (-link-dest) 
> ...
> Well, it works but there is a huge flaw with his approach and i am not able 
> to solve it on my own unfortunately. 
> As long as the backups are finishing properly, everything is fine but as soon 
> as one backup job couldn`t be finished for some reason, (like it will be 
> aborted accidently or a power cut occurs) 
> the whole backup chain is messed up and usually the script creates a new full 
> backup which fills up my backup storage. 

Yes indeed, this is a typical flaw with many systems - you often need to throw 
away the partial backup.
One option that comes to mind is this :
Create the new backup in a directory called (for example) "new" or 
"in-progress". If, and only if, the backup completes, then rename this to a 
timestamp. If when you start a new backup, if the in-progress folder exists, 
then use that and it'll be freshened to the current source state.

Also, have you looked at StoreBackup ?
I does most of this automagically, keeps a definable history (eg one/day for 14 
days, one/week for x weeks, one/30d for y years), plus it keeps file hashes so 
can detect bit-rot in your backups.

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