I use rsync to download a directory from a remote daemon. This has worked well for years but has recently started to give problems. The rsync transfer is run by a program called dirvish that is run as a cron job. The log looks like this:

ACTION: rsync -vrltH --delete --stats -D --numeric-ids --exclude-from=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/exclude --link-dest=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-07/tree rsync.ebi.ac.uk::pub/databases/msd/sifts/ /nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/tree

receiving incremental file list
broken pipe
RESULTS: warnings = 0, errors = 1

ACTION: rsync -vrltH --delete --stats -D --numeric-ids --exclude-from=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/exclude --link-dest=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-07/tree rsync.ebi.ac.uk::pub/databases/msd/sifts/ /nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/tree

receiving incremental file list
broken pipe
RESULTS: warnings = 0, errors = 2

ACTION: rsync -vrltH --delete --stats -D --numeric-ids --exclude-from=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/exclude --link-dest=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-07/tree rsync.ebi.ac.uk::pub/databases/msd/sifts/ /nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/tree

receiving incremental file list
broken pipe
RESULTS: warnings = 0, errors = 3

ACTION: rsync -vrltH --delete --stats -D --numeric-ids --exclude-from=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/exclude --link-dest=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-07/tree rsync.ebi.ac.uk::pub/databases/msd/sifts/ /nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/tree

receiving incremental file list
broken pipe
RESULTS: warnings = 0, errors = 4

ACTION: rsync -vrltH --delete --stats -D --numeric-ids --exclude-from=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/exclude --link-dest=/nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-07/tree rsync.ebi.ac.uk::pub/databases/msd/sifts/ /nfs/scop5/data/msd/sifts-mirror/2016-06-28/tree

receiving incremental file list
broken pipe
RESULTS: warnings = 0, errors = 5

It seems to me that the file pdb_chain_go.csv is triggering the problem. I notice that in the last transfer that succeeded on 2016-06-07, it was 1107298708 bytes whilst on 2016-06-22 it had grown a bit to 1111629050 so I suppose that one possibility is some size-related bug in rsync?

I downloaded the particular file using FTP without any problems and it is a text file that appears to be complete without any unusual features.

I was using rsync 3.0.6 but have just installed and used 3.1.2 with the same problem. I do not control the remote daemon and have not as yet been able to persuade its administrators to send me its logs. The protocol version in use is 30 regardless of which version of rsync I use.

I'd be grateful for any ideas that might get my downloads working again.

Thanks, Dave

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