Thank you for your answer, Kevin.

2. OK, I understand.

1. I checked colon dirs, and indeed they don't have openSUSE_Leap_42.2
dirs directly. But they have different subdirs which have
openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs. What would be the correct filter set
to mirror all openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs at any level if I don't want
to include all dirs at the root level? At the roor level tehre are
many dirs and I can't mirror everything at a time because of space
limitations. I would like to mirror different groups from the
root level separately. Either by using root level pattern names or
by directly specifying the dirs I want to mirror. Each root level dir
may or may not have an openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dir directly or at a
deeper level. I want to mirror all openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs that
belong to the specified root level dirs. To make it clear, for example,
I want to mirror games, games:, graphics, graphics:, hamradio, hamradio:, hardware, hardware:, only the openSUSE_Leap_42.2 directory containing paths.
What would be the rules for this?

Thanks again,


On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 18:27:11 -0500, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
1. You don't appear to be including anything that is within the colon
dirs so they are being left out by --prune-empty-dirs.

2. Includes only override excludes that follow them. Since your debug excludes are exceptions to the openSUSE_Leap_42.2/*** include they must
be before it not after it.

On 01/10/2018 05:46 PM, Istvan Gabor via rsync wrote:
Dear Kevin:

~ 1 year ago your answer helped me to solve my problem.
This time I would like to do a similar thing but little bit modified. I read again carefully INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES section of rsync
manual but still cannot comprehend every part of it.

I understand I have to add include patterns first and exclude patterns second. But it is not clear if I have to add all the include patterns
first and all the exclude patterns after them. Or do I have add
include/exclude groups?

Now I would like to mirror openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs from
but only from specified directories and without files with debuginfo
or debugsource patterns in their names.

I tried this command:

rsync -av --include-from=filters.txt --prune-empty-dirs \
rsync:// \

where filters.txt contains:

+ /filesystems
+ /filesystems:
+ /games
+ /games:
+ /graphics
+ /graphics:
+ /hamradio
+ /hamradio:
+ /hardware
+ /hardware:
+ openSUSE_Leap_42.2/***
- *debuginfo*.rpm
- *debugsource*.rpm
- *

but it doesn't work the way I'd like.

1. The directories ending with : in their names are not mirrored.
I tried eg /games:  , /games\:  and "/games:", none of these worked.

2. The other directories are mirrored but debuginfo and debugsource
files are not excluded.

I'd appreciate if you explained what the problem is and how to solve it.

Thanks in advance,


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