What is the order that rsync uses to set permissions?

Time Machine directories have ACL permissions that basically prohibit making 
any changes of any kind. In order to make a backup of the directory, you would 
need to set those permissions after copying everything in the subdirectories.

Is rsync smart enough to do it in that order?

On 2018-03-19, at 10:44 PM, Andre Althoff via rsync <rsync@lists.samba.org> 

> That doesn’t work too. :-(
> Last login: Mon Mar 19 19:18:16 on console
> iMac:~ andre$ mount
> /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
> /dev/disk2 on /Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled, noowners)
> iMac:~ andre$ 
>  [20.03.2018, 05:29:20 Wiederhergestellt]
> Last login: Tue Mar 20 05:29:05 on console
> Restored session: Mo 19 Mär 2018 19:55:46 CET
> iMac:~ andre$ mkdir /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3/Test1
> iMac:~ andre$ ls /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3/
> Test1
> iMac:~ andre$ ls -la /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3/
> total 0
> drwxrwxr-x  7 andre  staff  306 20 Mär 06:12 .
> drwxr-xr-x@ 5 root   wheel  170 20 Mär 06:10 ..
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXN --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> Password:
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ mount
> /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
> /dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/LaCie d2 Quadra v3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled)
> /dev/disk3 on /Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled, noowners)
> iMac:~ andre$ mount
> /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
> /dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/LaCie d2 Quadra v3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled)
> /dev/disk3 on /Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled)
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXN --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> Password:
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXN --fileflags --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ ls -la /Volumes
> total 8
> drwxr-xr-x@  5 root   wheel   170 20 Mär 06:10 .
> drwxr-xr-x  33 root   wheel  1190 25 Feb 09:34 ..
> drwxrwxr-x   8 root   wheel   340 20 Mär 06:28 G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3
> drwxrwxr-x  16 andre  staff   612 18 Mär 18:21 LaCie d2 Quadra v3
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   wheel     1 20 Mär 05:26 Macintosh HD -> /
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo chown mount
> usage: chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] owner[:group] file ...
>       chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] :group file ...
> iMac:~ andre$ mount
> /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
> /dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/LaCie d2 Quadra v3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled)
> /dev/disk3 on /Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
> journaled, noowners)
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXN --fileflags --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ mount
> /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXXN --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo chown andre:staff /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3
> iMac:~ andre$ ls -la /Volumes
> total 8
> drwxr-xr-x@  5 root   wheel   170 20 Mär 06:10 .
> drwxr-xr-x  33 root   wheel  1190 25 Feb 09:34 ..
> drwxrwxr-x   9 andre  staff   374 20 Mär 06:32 G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3
> drwxrwxr-x  16 andre  staff   612 18 Mär 18:21 LaCie d2 Quadra v3
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   wheel     1 20 Mär 05:26 Macintosh HD -> /
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAXN --fileflags --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aHEAN --fileflags --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: symlink "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André 
> Althoffs iMac/Latest" -> "2018-03-16-210209" failed: Operation not permitted 
> (1)
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912" failed: Operation 
> not permitted (1)
> *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
> ^X^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at 
> rsync.c(700) [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -aH --delete --stats 
> --log-file=/Users/andre/Desktop/log/rsync-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log 
> /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ 
> Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/Latest": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: chgrp "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/Handbücher & Informationen" failed: 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/etc": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/tmp": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/var": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ 
> v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3
> skipping directory Backups.backupdb
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -a /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ 
> v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/Latest": Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: chgrp "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/Handbücher & Informationen" failed: 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/etc": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/tmp": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> rsync: failed to set times on "/Volumes/G-DRIVE Thunderbolt 
> 3/Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/var": 
> Operation not permitted (1)
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync -r /Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ 
> v3/Backups.backupdb /Volumes/G-DRIVE\ Thunderbolt\ 3
> skipping non-regular file "Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs iMac/Latest"
> skipping non-regular file "Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/Handbücher & Informationen"
> skipping non-regular file "Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/etc"
> skipping non-regular file "Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/tmp"
> skipping non-regular file "Backups.backupdb/André Althoffs 
> iMac/2016-04-11-130912/Macintosh HD/var"
> ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(700) 
> [sender=3.1.3]
> rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at io.c(504) 
> [generator=3.1.3]
> iMac:~ andre$ 
> -- 
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> To unsubscribe or change options: 
> https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
> Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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