Dear rsync devs,

I recently concluded a bug hunt to trace why my rsync-ing to an SBC was
much slower than the corresponding iperf3-reported speeds. To give a
concise summary of the situation, in slow wifi links using SSH with
ProxyCommand tremendously speeds up things:

    $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=50
    50+0 records in
    50+0 records out
    52428800 bytes (52 MB, 50 MiB) copied, 0.24135 s, 217 MB/s

    $ rsync -avz --progress ./ root@
    sending incremental file list
         52,428,800 100%  575.23kB/s    0:01:28 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)

    sent 52,458,757 bytes  received 35 bytes  543,614.42 bytes/sec
    total size is 52,428,800  speedup is 1.00

    $ ssh root@ 'rm /dev/shm/'

    $ rsync -avz --progress -e 'ssh -o "ProxyCommand nc %h %p"'
./ root@
    sending incremental file list
         52,428,800 100%    3.40MB/s    0:00:14 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)

    sent 52,458,757 bytes  received 35 bytes  2,690,194.46 bytes/sec
    total size is 52,428,800  speedup is 1.00

If it isn't clear - the speed of the upload went from 543 kbytes/sec to
2690 kbytes/sec.

If you want to see why - and how I traced this down - you can read my
complete report in the UNIX StackExchange forum. To avoid being classified
as a spammer, I won't include a link - search for question 434825 in the
search bar. The executive summary is that SSH disables Nagle's algorithm by
default - and in slow links this can cause tremendous impact (as you see

Hope this helps people that backup over slow links (wi-fi or otherwise).

Thanassis Tsiodras, Dr.-Ing.
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