On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 01:09:30AM -0400, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
> --delete only works when you sync a dir not individual files.  So...
> rsync -vai --delete --include='g*' --include='G*' --exclude='*'
> /share/Public/videos/ /share/Backup-HDD-03

That kinda didn't work:

rsync -vai --delete --include='S[A-Z]*' --include='S[a-h]*' --exclude='*' \
/share/Public/videos/ /share/Backup-HDD-04

I deleted, manually, a directory on the backup HDD to test this out and
got the following result:

NASD30354.ZADMIN <795> ./Backup-HDD-04.list.sh   
sending incremental file list
.d..t...... ./
cd+++++++++ Sense8/
cd+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/
cd+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/

sent 25,683 bytes  received 82 bytes  17,176.67 bytes/sec
total size is 1,666,354,406,916  speedup is 64,675,117.68

None of the files in those two directories were copied to the backup HDD
after the directories were created.

I then modified the script so that I could include directories that start
with "s":

rsync -vain --delete --include='S[A-Z]*' --include='S[a-h]*' \
--include='s*' --exclude='*' \
/share/Public/videos/ /share/Backup-HDD-04

I then got the following result (yes, in dry-run mode):

NASD30354.ZADMIN <802> ./Backup-HDD-04.list.sh
sending incremental file list
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e01.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e02.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e03.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e04.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e05.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e06.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e07.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e08.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e09.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e10.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e11.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-1/sense8.s01e12.1080p.webrip.x264-2hd.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e01.1080p.webrip.x264-skgtv.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e02.1080p.webrip.x264-skgtv.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e03.1080p.webrip.x264-skgtv.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e04.1080p.webrip.x264-skgtv.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e05.1080p.webrip.x264-skgtv.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e06.1080p.webrip.x264-morose.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e07.1080p.webrip.x264-morose.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e08.1080p.webrip.x264-morose.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e09.1080p.webrip.x264-morose.mkv
>f+++++++++ Sense8/Season-2/sense8.s02e10.1080p.webrip.x264-morose.mkv

sent 26,729 bytes  received 132 bytes  53,722.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,749,617,318,885  speedup is 65,135,971.07 (DRY RUN)

I kinda see what is going on, based upon the man page and filter rules.
I was worried about getting stuff that starts with "s", so I renamed a file
so that the frst letter was now a "s" and it was listed for copying.

Since a majority of the files start with all-caps, I don't think I'll
run into an issue of copying more files that I really wanted.

Thanks for the tip, as I now have something to work with.

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