Please, help me understand if 'use chroot' option in daemon config is secure enough.
Rsync manual has following lines:

   As an additional safety feature, you can specify a dot-dir in the
   "path" to indicate the point where the chroot should occur.  This
   allows rsync
   to run in a chroot with a non-"/" path for the top of the transfer
   Doing this guards against unintended library loading (since those
   paths will not be inside the transfer hierarchy unless you have used
   an unwise
   pathname), and lets you setup libraries for the chroot that are
   outside of the
   transfer.  For example, specifying "/var/rsync/./module1" will
   chroot to the
   "/var/rsync" directory and set the inside-chroot path to
   "/module1".  If you
   had omitted the dot-dir, the chroot would have used the whole path,
   and the
   inside-chroot path would have been "/".

It *implies* that there could be a situation when rsync (in daemon mode) loads some libraries *after* doing chroot system call. But is this really possible? when stracing rsync daemon, I see no attempts to load libraries after calling chroot:

   [pid 42312] geteuid()                   = 0
   [pid 42312] chroot("/var/lib/mysql/") = 0
   [pid 42312] chdir("/")                  = 0
   [pid 42312] setgid(0)                   = 0
   [pid 42312] setgroups(1, [0])           = 0
   [pid 42312] setuid(0)                   = 0
   [pid 42312] setresuid(-1, 0, -1)        = 0
   [pid 42312] geteuid()                   = 0

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