
Thanks. I can see your point for sure. I wasn't suggesting an all out switch but just an option to use with a flag. Since we're using a GPFS to GPFS transfer over a high speed link, doing billions of files at the moment, even a marginal increase in speed helps and is why we were using MD4 instead of MD5.

We can easily maintain the patch with the way that the code is well structured. The hope is that we can take a smarter approach once all the data is mirrored by using the built-in inotify structure IBM has provided. But this will require a better understanding on our part in order to use this effectively. For now we will continue to just use the naive rsync approach with our modifications.


On 10/3/19 9:43 AM, Paul Slootman via rsync wrote:
On Tue 01 Oct 2019, Bill Wichser via rsync wrote:

Attached is the patch we applied.  Since xxhash is in the distro, a
dependency would be required for this RPM.  If nothing else, perhaps the
developers should just take a look as this could benefit many.

"The distro" is a bit vague for a tool like rsync that runs on many
versions of Unix and linux, and even windows.

The problem is (AFAIK) that this would need a protocol version bump so
that the checksum algorithm to be used can be decided upon by both ends
of the transfer, it's not as simple as simply replacing the current
algorithm: that would make it impossible to rsync to / from an older
version of rsync.

It's an interesting idea, although I wonder how many users would
actually profit from this. CPU is generally fast enough to handle what
the IO subsystem can read for most people, I imagine.


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