Rsync 3.2.2 ransfer rate on my pet hardware is really poor, so every 
improvement counts.

I noted that rsync writes a gmon file on the source path and leaves it there 
when it terminates. When the source path is read-only, rsync complains that it 
cannot write in it. For optimal use of the input bus, no write commands should 
be used there. Can you look into it?

Also, I have 12GB of cache in ecc ram that rsync is not using. I can tell 
because I see frantic io from the leds of the disks when rsync is the only 
running process. Can you add an option to maximise the use of ram cache?

Thank you!

-------- Original Message --------
On 7 Aug 2020, 07:15, Wayne Davison via rsync <> wrote:
I have released rsync 3.2.3. It contains a smattering of bug fixes and various 

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:


You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:


See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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