On Wed 15 May 2024, Graham Leggett via rsync wrote:
> Then we check the disk underneath rsync:
> [root@arnie images]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=random.img count=1024 bs=10M 
> status=progress
> 1604321280 bytes (1.6 GB, 1.5 GiB) copied, 16 s, 100 MB/s^C
> 159+0 records in
> 159+0 records out
> 1667235840 bytes (1.7 GB, 1.6 GiB) copied, 16.7261 s, 99.7 MB/s. <---- fast 
> enough

I would try this again with the block size that rsync is using, which
will be way less than 10MB. It could be that the VM is limited in the
number of IOPS, which is slowing rsync down.

If that is the problem, using --whole-file might help as that stops
rsync "wasting" IOPS on reading the existing files, and may help in de
IO block size.

Using 'top' while rsync is running may help to see if rsync is IO bound,
the "wa" (wait IO) column will have a large percentage then.

You can also run strace to profile rsync to see where most wall
clock time is spent: strace -w -c
You'll have to do this on each rsync process.


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