On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, bodik wrote:

$ActionQueueType LinkedList        # use asynchronous processing
$ActionQueueFileName srvrfwd1      # set file name, also enables disk mode
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1         # infinite retries on insert failure
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on      # save in-memory data if rsyslog shuts down
$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 100m      # limit disk cache
$ActionQueueTimeoutEnqueue 100     # dont block worker indefinitely when cache
*.* @@loghost:515

This is one option (overflow to disk). Note that if the disk partition that the
spool file is on fills up (100m in your config) the exact same blocking can
happen again.


I thought that this is the part where ActionQueueTimeoutEnqueue comes into play,
that rsyslog will not stop working at all, because new messages which cannot be
queued are discarded after 100ms of waiting for enqueueing, or am I wrong ?

that insert will fail, but since you have retrycount set to -1 it will try again rather than discarding the message (and do so forever)

I could be mistaken on this, Rainer can confirm this.

David Lang
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