On Mon, 28 Jan 2013, Ben Bradley wrote:

Hi everyone

I'm a bit confused about rsyslog configuration syntax, specifically what to use 

I read that there's been a change in syntax at some point. I'm using rsyslog 7 
on CentOS from the adiscon repo but the header at the top of the config file 
says it's a v5 format config file. I thought that with v7 there was a new style 
of configuration syntax that had to be used.

you don't need to use the v7 syntax, it's an option. You can continue to use the older syntax (and even mix the two, although it's easy to get confused)

Is there an example of a default Rsyslog v7 config file anywhere?
I'm not sure where the action() statement in v7 syntax needs to go in a 
v5-style configuration file. Do I need to put them before or inside the #### 
begin forwarding rule #### comment blocks.

Is there a full reference or comparisons of the v7 syntax anywhere?

The rsyslog documenation has a lot of v7 config examples. I haven't seen a direct v5 to v7 config translater, but there was a post on how v7 syntax could help simplify configs that may help


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