On Mon, 11 Mar 2013, Nicolas HAHN wrote:

Hello all,

I'm writing for the first time to this mailing-list in the hope that somebody 
already experimented the issue I describe below.

At first, here is the Linux server profile on which is running Rsyslog, if it 
can have an importance:
- Server type: physical and dedicated (not a VM). HP Proliant
- OS: RHEL 6.4 (yum updated this morning)
- Arch: x86_64
- Nb CPU cores: 24
- RAM: 256 GB
- Storage: 3.6 TB with Hardware RAID-5
- Network: 4 nics with 2 bonding interfaces
- SELINUX is totally disabled
- There are absolutely no iptables rules defined

Here below are the rsyslog packages installed:

Here below is the description of the issue:

1) we use Rsyslog with imrelp module, on port TCP-20514
2) at first, we don't send traffic on Rsyslog, we can see that the daemon is 
listening on port 20514:
# netstat -ann | grep 514
tcp        0      0     *                   
tcp        0      0 :::20514                    :::*                        

3) as soon as syslog traffic is sent to the server, imrelp stop to listen. A 
few remote servers only were successfully bound to the server port, and finally 
rsyslog connections with the remote senders stop. Remains finally only one or 
two connected remote servers. Doing a netstat, the first line in copy above is 
not there: imrelp is not listening any more.
4) if we do a tcpdump -nni bond0 port 20514 on the rsyslog server, suddenly 
Rsyslog daemon take 100% of one CPU core. We've seen it eating until 140%.
5) if we do a telnet from any remote server to the rsyslog server on port 
20514, then the connection is refused. It's not possible to connect on the 
rsyslog daemon, even locally (telnet localhost 20514).

This makes me thing that you have SELinux or firewall rules blocking you.

We tried since 5 days, so many things:
1) we tried originally to use imrelp on port 514 (instead of 20514 now), same 
2) we tried versions 5.10.x, latest version 6, same issues

3) we tried to run rsyslog in debug mode: symptoms are the same in debug mode. it still loose its ability to LISTEN on the port, and debug mode stops to display things on the screen. But rsyslog is still running in the process table with its -d flag.

when rsyslog stops, what shows up in the debug logs?

David Lang

4) we tried to configure rsyslog to use imtcp on port 514 instead of imrelp on port 514 or whatever other port. Here, it never loose its ability to accept connections and to listen on the network socket. In debug mode, we have permanently things appearing on the display.

5) we have other rsyslog servers based on RHEL 5.x (latest 5.10 version, including also IMRELP and PGSQL modules): they are running like a charm using exactly the same /etc/rsyslog.conf

In conclusion:
-this issue is of course very annoying, we cannot understand what is happening: 
all other daemons correctly listen on their socket and never loose it 
(postgresql database, ssh daemon, http server, ...)
- we absolutely need to use our rsyslog server with RELP module, and this is 
the only one not working for now
- we cannot explain why rsyslog cannot keep its network socket and keep 
listening on it.

We would really need to know if other users experimented the same behavior, and 
if yes, if they found solutions.
We would really appreciate any help on that, and if the reason why those issues 
are found, an urgent fix :-)

If you ask us to post the rsyslog.conf file, we can do it but we'll have to 
"hide" various things ;-)

Thank you very much for any help

United Nations International Computing Center

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