Version 7 has added the ability to set variables that you can use later, earlier versions do not have that capability.

now, exactly _how_ to set it from a regex is something I would have to dig further on.

David Lang

On Wed, 20 Mar 2013, Gary Foster wrote:

Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 14:30:17 -0700
From: Gary Foster <>
Reply-To: rsyslog-users <>
To: rsyslog-users <>
Subject: [rsyslog] property replacer and regexps

Let's say I want to set an arbitrary variable in my rsyslog.conf based upon a 
regexp match against the incoming message.  For example (warning, completely 
contrived examples incoming):

incoming message is "foo:bar=10:baz&blah:blah:blah"

I want to do something like:

set %!somevar = <bar>

(why?  Well, I may want to use it in a generic template or other things? I 
don't want to create a specialized template for every possible match)

Now I would normally turn to the property replacer and instead of the above I'd 
do something like this:


Which works fine with real properties ($msg, $pri, etc) but not so great with 
user or extended properties like %!somevar as far as I can determine.

You'd think it would be simply something like:


but when I then try to access that variable later on in a template like this:

template tpl,"foo: %$!somevar%\n" or use it in a filtering action (if $!somevar == 
"10" then)

It tells me it's an invalid property (plain old %$somevar% doesn't work either).

I tried various incarnations of:

set $!somevar = <twiddly bits here>;

as well, also with no success.

My question is, first *can* I do this (set an arbitrary user level variable to the 
contents of a regex match) or barring that is there another way I can do this?  For the 
record, I'm doing this for a LOT of different log entries and am checking the logs for 
what we call "beacons".  I do not necessarily want to write a slew of different 
templates based upon the values of these beacons (I do various different things with the 
output depending on the value of the beacon) so a purely template approach while 
possible, is not optimal for my situation.


-- Gary F.

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