Ahh, I did not understand that.

I seem to remember reading a thread where this was not happening. It may be that it was fixed in a version much newer than the 5.8 that you are running.

If you are sure that all the logs have been sent, you should be able to just rm all the old spool files to get you operational again.

David Lang

On Thu, 21 Mar 2013, EXT-Edge, Sean wrote:

Perhaps I wasn't clear in my initial email.  I know what inodes are and I know 
where the majority of them are in use, my rsyslog spool directory.  There are 
891185 files (only 971040 total inodes available for that FS) in my rsyslog 
spool directory.  I only included this information in case it might be useful 
in troubleshooting why rsyslog is not clearing these files now that my remote 
logging server is back online.


-----Original Message-----
From: rsyslog-boun...@lists.adiscon.com 
[mailto:rsyslog-boun...@lists.adiscon.com] On Behalf Of David Lang
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:33 PM
To: rsyslog-users
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Having an issue with spool file cleanup after remote 
syslog server comes back online.

Lots of Inodes in use means lots of files.

There is a possibility that files have been deleted, but some process still has 
them open (preventing them from being really deleted), but a restart of rsyslog 
means that it doesn't have them open any longer.

You just need to look at your filesystem and see where you have so many files.

ls |while read dir; echo -n "$dir "; find $dir |wc -l ; done

then cd to the directory with the most files in it and repeat until you rind 
what's useing so many inodes.

David Lang

 On Thu, 21 Mar 2013, EXT-Edge, Sean wrote:

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 06:52:35 -0700
From: "EXT-Edge, Sean" <sean.e...@boeing.com>
Reply-To: rsyslog-users <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>
To: "rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com" <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>
Subject: [rsyslog] Having an issue with spool file cleanup after remote syslog
     server comes back online.

The spool files for my DA syslog forwarder queue have consumed all the inodes 
on my system and aren't being cleaned up by rsyslog:

[root@devhost ~]# df -i .
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
                     971040  971040       0  100% /
[root@devhost ~]# cd /var/spool/rsyslog_spool [root@devhost
rsyslog_spool]# ls -l | wc -l

Here's my queue index file:

[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]# cat aqfwd.qi
[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]#

Rsyslog has open file descriptors to these files:

[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]# lsof -p `pgrep rsyslog` | grep rsyslog_spool
rsyslogd 1086 root    4w   REG              253,0      541     522935 
rsyslogd 1086 root    5r   REG              253,0      499     529874 
[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]#

[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]# ls -l
-rw-------. 1 root root 499 Feb 22 19:12
-rw-------. 1 root root 541 Mar 11 17:26
[root@devhost rsyslog_spool]#

Here's the action queue config:

# Forward messages to central log server.
$ActionQueueType LinkedList
$ActionQueueFileName aqfwd
$ActionQueueSize 150000
$ActionQueueLowWaterMark 30000          # 20% of QueueSize
$ActionQueueHighWaterMark 120000        # 80% of QueueSize
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on
$ActionQueueDiscardSeverity 7           # Dont discard messages.
$ActionQueueMaxFileSize 10g             # Ridiculous limit, but dont want to 
lose messages :)
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1              # Keep trying
*.* @@syslog-server:10514;RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat # This the line that
actually does forwarding

I thought maybe clearing up a few inodes (and a service restart) might give 
rsyslog enough breathing room to start cleaning up these files but that hasn't 
proven to be the case.

This is a RHEL6 machine running rsyslog-5.8.10-6.el6.x86_64.

If there's any additional information needed please let me know.  I still relatively new 
to rsyslog and I didn't write the config above so I can't answer any "why" 
questions about it.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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