On Wed, 27 Mar 2013, Rainer Gerhards wrote:

On Wed, 2013-03-27 at 07:38 +0000, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 12:26 -0700, Gary Foster wrote:
FWIW it does work properly *inside* a template.
That was the misunderstanding. These are *template* constructs, so they
are not supposed to work anywhere else. As you posted the example in
your initial mail and said you had this in the template, I assume that
this was the actual excerpt from your template.

As I wrote, there currently is no regex extraction function in
RainerScript. I could probably add one relatively quickly, but that
would be of "fire and forget" type - I mean you would not be able to
save submatches for later reuse or such. In other words: the performance
would be far from being great for at least some use cases.

I would envision something along the lines of

set $!var = regex_extract($msg, "regex-here", submatch-to-use)
where submatch-to-use would be 0 to get the full match.

Would that help?

In any case, this sounded useful for a couple of cases and as I had some
time left, I have something implemented along these lines:


(sparse) doc is here - search for "re_extract" on the page:

Will be released as part of 7.3.10.

I think it's just find not to have it save submatches for later use. If you need to save a submatch, you set a variable.

A possible future enhancement would be to be able to set an array, or a list (perl style) so that you could save all the submatches with one regex execution.

in case I'm not clear, the perl-style list would be something like

set ($!var1,$!var2) = regex_extract($msg, "regex-here")

with the first submatch going in $!var1, the second in $var2

David Lang
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