2017-06-28 15:12 GMT+02:00 Heaton, Tobias <tobias.hea...@unh.edu>:
> I'm noticing rsyslog is consuming 200% of my CPU this morning. I restarted 
> rsyslog and rebooted the system - CPU usage persists.
> My rsyslog installation is writing to multiple MySQL databases that was 
> working fine up until this morning. Now the MySQL writes are slowing to a 
> crawl as the CPU is consumed.
> I don't see any errors when restarting, no issues with the configuration and 
> no recent updates to rsyslog (current version 8.2.7).

Is it 8.2.7 or 8.27? If the former, it's heavily outdated.

If the latter, a debug log would probably make sense.

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