2017-08-23 1:13 GMT+02:00 Thomas Deutschmann via rsyslog
> Hash: SHA512
> On 2017-08-21 13:21, Andreas Wehrmann via rsyslog wrote:
>>> actionProcessMessage() always returns RS_RET_ACTION_FAILED (which is
>>> -2123),
>>> meaning i will be decremented for re-submit and the loop starts all
>>> over again.
> But this is not the problem itself. It *should* retry. See
> action.resumeRetryCount and action.resumeInterval
> documentation [1].
>> So I ultimately traced it down to this change:
>> https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/commit/128214fffac7dcec69b5c8dffdb8222bbd29af27
>> Reverting this makes everything seem to work as expected,
>> though it probably introduces the bug it was supposed to fix...
> This should only trigger the problem, not causing the problem.
> My current theory: _No_ msg can be delivered. Even internal messages
> nowadays [2]. This will eat up your memory until rsyslogd segfaults:

Note that the change done in [2] did not modify that. Before, messages
always went to the local queue. With the change, this is not
necessarily the case, because they go to the system logger and bypass
the queue. They only get to the queue if the system logger is bound to

> For example, when rsyslogd launches it will already create a message
> like
>> rsyslogd:  [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.29.0" x-pid="31213" 
>> x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";] start
> Now this message has to go through your queue. Once it reaches
> your omrelp action which is failing, rsyslogd will generate a
>> rsyslogd: action 'action 1' suspended, next retry is <date>
> message. This message will also go through your queue and be
> processed by the still failing omrelp action (which will be skipped
> like you can see in your logs: next retry (if applicable):
> 966135869 [now 966135839]).

At this point, the action should be suspended. By default, this means
the message will not be submitted to the failing action, and so it
will be processed and discarded. No queue buildup. Of course, if the
configuration says that messages shall be queued until delivery is
possible, then it goes to the queue. But the "suspended" message will
not be rememitted in this case.

> Due to the small amount of memory you just need a small bunch of
> message to run out of memory.
> And don't forget about the main queue [3].

I agree on the main point: if the system has very little memory, even
default queue settings might be too large. So they would need to be

> Do you get some core dumps when rsyslogd segfaults? Maybe you have to
> enable this first on your system.
> Or could you rsyslogd through gdb/valgrind?
> What's about your dmesg? Any messages indicating OOM killer activity?

All very good suggestions!

> See also:
> =========
> [1] http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/actions.html
> [2] http://www.rsyslog.com/rsyslog-error-reporting-improved/
> [3] http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/concepts/queues.html
> - --
> Regards,
> Thomas
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> =hon9
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