I'm running CentOS 7.4 with systemd 219 with a compiled rsyslog 8.30.0.

My rsyslog configuration can be found here: https://gist.github.com/

Essentially, I have a TCP, UDP, Unix socket
/run/systemd/journa/syslog, and the systemd journal module as inputs, with
an omfwd output to Loggly, a hosted logging service which speaks syslog.

My server boots without rsyslog installed, then installs rsyslog and my
logging configuration on server boot. I have ensured that the journal state
file is removed before rsyslog starts, but I'm seeing that most of the
journal messages are not sent to Loggly from boot.

I do see sudo logs like this:

naftuli : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/naftuli ; USER=root ;

However, digging back through the journal, I do not see messages like this:

Oct 25 17:45:26 greyskull-akv3idjf.dev.grindr.io cloud-init[13155]:
Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 finished at Wed, 25 Oct 2017 17:45:26 +0000. Datasource
DataSourceEc2.  Up 172.07 seconds

These log events are very important to me as if a server fails to boot,
it's likely a cloud-init issue.

Have I misconfigured the imjournal module, or is there more configuration I
need to specify to have rsyslog send the entire journal from the beginning
of time when the state file isn't found?

 - Naftuli Kay
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