Can anyone shed any light on how to set global variables? Environment
variables won't change over the lifetime of the process so it would make
sense to not have to allocate for every log message.

 - Naftuli Kay

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 9:13 PM, David Lang <> wrote:

> Rsyslog variables are JSON based, so everything can be represented in
> aJSON structure. To address it, you separate keys with !
> There are two 'normal' trees of variables $! and $.
> Sincd $! existed first, and several things use it by default, it's
> considered the 'normal' variables. But since there is a need to have
> variables that don't show up by default, $. was introduced and is called
> 'local' variables.
> Global variables exist to allow you to set something that lasts past the
> current log message
> so back to how variables work.
> If you had the JSON object {"foo":"1","bar":"2"}
> you could use $!foo or $!bar (or $.foo or $.bar if it's local variables)
> If you have the JSON object {"foo":{"bar":"1","baz":"2"}}
> you could use $!foo!bar or $!foo!baz  (or $ $.foo.baz)
> but you can also just use $!foo, which would return the string
> {"bar":"1","baz":"2"}
> $! (or $.) return the entire structure.
> If you write a log with the template RSYSLOG_DebugFormat, you will see all
> the variables that exist, and the bottom three lines with be $!, $., and $\
> David Lang
> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017, deoren wrote:
> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 17:24:22 -0500
>> From: deoren <>
>> Reply-To: rsyslog-users <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Sourcing Environment Variables for Use in
>> Templates?
>> On 10/25/2017 4:18 PM, Naftuli Kay via rsyslog wrote:
>>> So would I do "set $deploy_env = getenv('DEPLOY_ENV')"? How would I then
>>> reference this variable? I'm still trying to learn more about rsyslog
>>> variables and how to use them in templates.
>> I'm still learning myself, so I completely understand.
>> Start here:
>> roperty_types.html
>> As I understand it, you have three types of variables/properties that you
>> can set: local variables, message JSON properties and global variables.
>> Global variables are not listed on that page, but probably should be. From
>> what I remember reading on the mailing list, they operate much like global
>> variables in programming languages: they're in the highest scope and are
>> independent of the log messages flowing through rsyslog.
>> For your use, you likely want to set either a local variable or a message
>> JSON property. The latter would work best if you need to pass that value
>> off to another system or include it alongside other values bundled within
>> that tree, otherwise if that isn't your goal, you likely will want to use a
>> local variable.
>> Here is how you set a local variable:
>> set $.deploy_env = getenv('DEPLOY_ENV');
>> For something like this, I would be tempted to use a global variable, but
>> since I don't have experience using them, I can't personally recommend that
>> approach.
>> Assuming you go with a local variable, you should be able to reference it
>> as '$.deploy_env' in your templates like any other local variable. Here is
>> an example of referencing two local variables I set earlier in my
>> configuration ('$.tag' and '$.msg') within a template:
>> template(name="Modified-StockRsyslogFileFormat" type="list") {
>>    property(name="timestamp" dateFormat="rfc3339")
>>    constant(value=" ")
>>    property(name="hostname")
>>    constant(value=" ")
>>    property(name="$.tag")
>>    property(name="$.msg" spifno1stsp="on" )
>>    property(name="$.msg" droplastlf="on" )
>>    constant(value="\n")
>> }
>> It's not the best named template and I'll likely update it at some point
>> to better describe WHY I opted to use it vs the standard template (in my
>> case I wanted the existing format, but wanted to drop in my local variables
>> in place of the default message properties referenced by the stock
>> template). AFAIK it's not possible to inherit an existing template and
>> tweak a value, though I could be wrong on that (the whole "still learning"
>> bit very much applies).
>> Lastly, I ended up saving myself a lot of frustration by generating an
>> epub file from the documentation and reading it on my devices over the
>> course of a month or so. PDFs and general HTML format are also available.
>> It takes some time to work through the content, but it was time well
>> spent.
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