On 11/17/2017 11:05 AM, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
2017-11-17 18:04 GMT+01:00 deoren
I noticed this commit focused on fixing the case in the source code for
comparison purposes:


which leads me to ask:

Are configuration parameters case sensitive?

no - but internally, this is done by converting them to lower case.
The PR fixes mixed case in the param definition, which will never
match the lower-case only param from the config.


Thanks! I opened an issue in the rsyslog-doc project re this. I'll try to make time to review the docs soon and submit a PR that helps to emphasize this.

I wouldn't be surprised if the docs already mention this in several places and I just overlooked it. If so, I'll just close out the ticket, otherwise I'll submit a PR that includes additional references to this fact to help emphasize it.
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