Some work was being done by another team, and they made the following entry in 
$template CustomOP, "%timegenerated% %msg:F,32:2% %HOSTNAME% %msg:F,32:5% 

The intent was to create a template that we could apply to certain messages.

In /etc/rsyslog.d/itcm.conf, there were lines that looked like so:
local6.* /var/log/ITCM/itcmlog
&; CustomOP
& ~ 

Again, thinking this would "apply" the CustomOP template to messages destined 

Now, that I've change the lines in itcm.conf to:
local6.* /var/log/ITCM/itcmlog
& ~

I am not seeing the NO MATCH messages.

R. Singh
Sr. Systems Engineer II, CPS, CSX Technology

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 
1 Cor. 10:31

-----Original Message-----
From: rsyslog [] On Behalf Of Singh, 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 2:02 PM
To: rsyslog-users
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Help writing a rule

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Taking a look up stream, I'm finding that my rule may be just fine, the 
messages appear to originate with the "NO MATCH" tag on it.

R. Singh
Sr. Systems Engineer II, CPS, CSX Technology

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 
1 Cor. 10:31

-----Original Message-----
From: rsyslog [] On Behalf Of Singh, 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:43 PM
Subject: [rsyslog] Help writing a rule

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I would like to write some rules such that:
If a messages comes in via imudp, or imtcp and contains a specific string in 
the rawmsg, that it goes to one log.
If a messages comes in via imudp, or imtcp and contains another string in the 
rawmsg, that it goes to another log.

I started with udp messages, and tried the following:

$template ITCMLOG,"/opt/share/ptc_comms_log/itcmlog.log"
$template TRACE,"/opt/share/ptc_comms_log/itcmtrc.log"
if $inputname == "imudp" and $rawmsg contains "<182>1" then ?TRACE if 
$inputname == "imudp" and $rawmsg contains "<179>1" then ?ITCMLOG

The first rule seems to work just fine, but the second rule does not seem to be 
Instead, I'm seeing messages like this:

tail itcmlog.log
Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 
csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO 
MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 
csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO 
MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 
csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO 
MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 
csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO 
MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 
csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO MATCH** Aug 30 13:36:18 <179>1 lnxb42341 csxt.b.TNSR1aJ.ELM1 **NO 

At first I thought the NO MATCH messages were occurring because of the first 
rule, but since the messages are getting logged, and since I see the string I'm 
using to filter "<179>1", I wonder if it's something else.


R. Singh
Sr. Systems Engineer II, CPS, CSX Technology

H0\/\/ T0/\/\0RR0\/\/ /\/\0\/35

"Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser : teach a just man, 
and he will increase in learning." - Proverbs 9:9

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