On Wed, 3 Oct 2018, John Chivian wrote:

Thank you David.  You're comment has led me to this...

  ruleset(name="fix_names") {

I know the external script is functioning because the prefix_results.txt file (from the first action) shows the correct results, but when I then immediately write out the rawmsg (in the second action) I get the original, unmodified value.

can you provide an example of a log message that's send to your script and the output that you get from your script?

David Lang

I must be missing something fundamental, and will revisit the documentation, but I'd be grateful for any words of wisdom or guidance.

Thanks, John

On 10/2/18 3:11 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Tue, 2 Oct 2018, John Chivian wrote:

Hello Group:

   I am trying to determine the best way to transform the field names of a simple JSON object that is rawmsg.  The objects are fluid having both numeric and string content, but are always in the form...

        { "aStr": "aString","bStr": "bString","cNum": 0,"dStr": "cString" }

   I need to add a prefix "ny_" to the field names such that the result would be...

        { "ny_aStr": "aString","ny_bStr": "bString","ny_cNum": 0,"ny_dStr": "cString" }

   I have a sed script with extractions that can do this transformation...


   ...but I don't know if it's possible to integrate that into a template with the property replacer, or if there's a better cleaner way to do it.

   Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated.

I think you would have to resort to code outside of rsyslog (either a custom mm module or mmexternal to call a script of your devising) to change the field contents like that for an arbitrary and changing list of fields.

David Lang
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