I did a quick search through the ChangeLog


and it shows ample changes since Dec 2015 (8.15). Have a look yourself.

El jue., 11 oct. 2018 a las 12:12, Peter Viskup via rsyslog
(<rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>) escribió:
> From my latest observation it seems the TCP Keepalive is not working as
> expected in our environment. We do run rsyslog 8.15, which I know is old,
> but cannot update.
> Want to make sure how the TCP Keepalive is developed in rsyslog and whether
> there were some changes since 8.15 release. At the moment not interested in
> deployment of RELP.
> My understanding from reading TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO
> <http://tldp.org/HOWTO/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/overview.html> is both sides can
> send empty ACK packet and the other side should response with empty ACK.
> That way the TCP session will remain open and all the network devices will
> keep track of it.
> In our environment the rsyslog server send ACK with no data, but client
> does not reply. After some time the rsyslog server closes the connection
> sending TCP RST packet.
> From the client side the rsyslog tries to open new TCP connection. Once
> opened, the client just closes it. It seems to me like client's TCP
> Keepalive.
> Why the client does not sent ACK reply to server's keepalive?
> Is the client's TCP session opening the proper way to implement keepaliving
> on client side?
> --
> Peter
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