
I searched for a few hours and did not find any solid technical (not
belief based) in having systemd's journald in the logging path.  So I
decided to remove it and use only rsyslog.  I appreciate the effort
made by the rsyslog team to support journald, but simply did not find
any reason for having it as a process and moreover in the path of log

It works so far, and I'd like to have advice - if any - about the

This is for the current archlinux, rsyslog 8.22 is built from original
sources. It goes like this :

1) journald is stopped, disabled and masked.  Not running at all.

2) rsyslog.service is enabled and started by a systemd service as such :

  ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE

3) The rsyslog configuration is for now the most simple that can be :

*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog

4) Reboot

I have a question about the formulation of the module command.  Is that
the right way of loading a module.  It works, but is it right ?

Also, so far tests have shown that /dev/log must be explicit.  If not,
no device will be created.

Thanks for any input.
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