I have read a few posts on this and I am not sure those posts apply in this case.

I am dealing with RT 3.6.0pre0 under Oracle 10g:

When doing searches, I have this in the Current search area:
Queue = 'queuename'
AND 'CF.{customfieldname}' =  'Customvalue'

Where customfield expects a  single  value (a string).

On clicking add and search the query returns no rows, even though there are rows satisfying the criteria.

Additional info:
(1) The customfield is queue specific
(2) I have already tried adding search criteria using GUI which adds  'CF.{customfieldname}' =  'Customvalue'
(3) I have also tried things (using Advanced) such as:
     (a) 'CF.{queuename.customfieldname}' = 'Customvalue'
     (b) 'CF.{queuename}.{customfieldname}' = 'Customvalue'

I am in trying to get access to V$ views so that I can see what is getting executed on the oracle side.

am I missing something very simple?


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