Make sure you have an index on CachedGroupMembers.MemberId.

On 5/18/06, Alexey G Misyurenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some additional information. Oracle DBA inform that "Take" operation
make next one SQL Request

 FROM (SELECT limitquery.*, ROWNUM limitrownum
         FROM (SELECT acl.ID
                 FROM acl, GROUPS, principals, cachedgroupmembers
                WHERE (   acl.rightname = 'SuperUser'
                       OR acl.rightname = 'DelegateRights'
                  AND principals.disabled = 0
                  AND cachedgroupmembers.disabled = 0
                  AND principals.ID = GROUPS.ID
                  AND principals.ID = cachedgroupmembers.groupid
                  AND cachedgroupmembers.memberid = '10'
                  AND (   acl.objecttype = 'RT::System'
                       OR acl.objecttype = 'RT::System' AND acl.objectid
= '1'
                  AND acl.principalid = principals.ID
                  AND acl.principaltype = 'Group'
                  AND (   GROUPS.domain = 'SystemInternal'
                       OR GROUPS.domain = 'UserDefined'
                       OR GROUPS.domain = 'ACLEquivalence'
                       OR GROUPS.domain = 'Personal'
                      )) limitquery
        WHERE ROWNUM <= 1)
WHERE limitrownum >= 1

This request is "havy" for any Database if

GROUPS contain 2'000'000 records, principals - 2'000'000 and
cachedgroupmembers = 4'500'000

Alexey G Misyurenko wrote:
> Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
>> Yep, it's normal. I have code branch where I experiment with ideas on
>> how to get rid of some useless groups.
> Is any documents on the NET where I can read how to optimize  (compact)
> information on this tables or delete some information without risk?
> I ask because we have I big speed degradation.
> $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction() from SetOwner from
> take about 200 second to run.
> DB & Apache allreade run on different servers.
>> On 5/18/06, Alexey G Misyurenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Alexey G Misyurenko wrote:
>>> > Hello!
>>> >
>>> > Is it normal that CachedGroupMembers table contain about 4'500'000
>>> records?
>>> >
>>> Also is it normal that table Group & Principal contain 2'000'000 records
>>> (each one)?
>>> And is it normal that table Group containe record's
>>> where field Name is like 'User {digits}'?
>>> > rt:    3.4.4
>>> > about: 500'000 tickets
>>> > DB:    Oracle
>>> >
>>> --
>>> WBR,   Alexey G Misyurenko ( MAG-RIPE | MMAGG-RIPN )
>>> CTO of Caravan ISP  
>>> Phone: +7 495 3632252         Cell:  +7 495 5082794
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WBR,   Alexey G Misyurenko ( MAG-RIPE | MMAGG-RIPN )
CTO of Caravan ISP  
Phone: +7 495 3632252         Cell:  +7 495 5082794

Best regards, Ruslan.

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