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I'm new to Linux, so I may be overlooking something obvious.

I've been supporting our RT (3.4.2) instance on FreeBSD for several months. Now I'm going to be responsible as well for RT in a Linux environment. A colleague recently set up a Linux Fedora FC5 box and installed RT 3.4.5 via 'yum', out of the box. I'm now trying to configure it and apply a few mods and customizations that I did on my FreeBSD RT 3.4.2.

But what I've noticed is that the file structure of the RT web tree is not right! RT was installed into /var/www/rt3. But under that directory, instead of /var, /share, /sbin, /local, /lib, /bin and /etc, all I find is the root web directory, e.g., l, index.html, autohandler, /User, /Tools, /Ticket, /SelfService, /Search, /REST, /NoAuth, /Elements, /Download, /Approvals, /Admin and /Callbacks. So, for one thing, I have no way to apply mods or customizations as there's no /local subdirectory.

The person who did the install says he ran it out of the box, using 'yum'. He didn't specify any changes to the install locations.

Could someone who is running RT on Linux (especially if it's Fedora) give me at least a hint of what's going on?

Meanwhile, I've got RT running, but I'm very limited in what I can do with it as far as customization. I was able to install Jesse's BrandedQueues extension; somehow that install was able to find the top-level location of the RT web stuff. But where is the rest of the RT tree?

BTW: the RT config files were installed in /etc/rt3 and I am able to customize RT_SiteConfig.pm. Also, the supplied rt scripts (rt-setup-database, rt-mailgate, rt-dump-database, rt-crontool and rtacct) were installed into /usr/sbin (not under an rt3 directory at all).

This RT instance is intended as a prototype and is needed right now by one small set of users. But in the near future I'll be doing a fresh install on a new Linux system, so whatever I can learn from you now could be of great value when I get to start over from scratch.

Any help will be appreciated.



Mike Friedman                        System and Network Security
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                       University of California at Berkeley
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~mikef  http://security.berkeley.edu

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