Title: [rt-users] Labelled Priority Patch doesn't work with 3.6x


I found the exact same behavior (priority labels show, but changes to priority don’t take effect) on 3.6.1.

One thing I noticed, in doing a view source on the page:



So it makes sense that it wont honor any changes – the HTML form doesn’t know what to change without having the field tagged with a name!

Anyway, I was wondering if you have found a fix yet?


Brent Parish

Sevan / Venture37
Sun Aug 20 21:20:27 EDT 2006

The Labelled Priority Patch from http://www.parliant.com/~cmh/rt/ for RT 3.6

doesn't seem to work for me. The text labels appear in the basic panel but

any values set are ignored (tickets are created with initial & final values

of 0) can anyone confirm they have the patch working on RT 3.6.

RT 3.6.1 does the same thing.

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