Yes, and it is broken in 3.6.1 too :-(


2006/10/5, Ruslan Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
sorry, I didn't test now I see that it's broken on mysql too :(

On 10/5/06, Ole Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 01:40 +0400, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> > On 10/4/06, Ole Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 14:46 -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > > > > >> So i came back to 3.6.0 and paradoxically the problem still exists!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I'm betting that this is due to an upgraded DBIx::SearchBuilder.  Just
> > > > > > out of curiosity, what database are you on?
> > > > >
> > > > > Our RT Installation uses PostgreSQL 8.0.3.
> > > > >
> > > [...]
> > > > Ok. Yes, this is a known bug (and one that it turns out is going to be a
> > > > real pain to fix)
> > >
> > > Jesse -
> > >         Is that the case for all combinations? I'm running into a
> > > similar CF sort problem with MySQL 4.1 and 3.6.0.
> > > (DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.43).
> > CF sorting in MySQL should work.
> Guess I'm just lucky... I've got a select-one-value Ticket CF named
> "Severity" which currently has the following possible name values:
>         '1 - CRITICAL'
>         '2 - Major'
>         '3 - Minor'
>         '4 - Informational'
> (sort ordering is 1234 and the value name begins with the appropriate
> digit as well.)
> If I sort my "N" highest priority tickets at-a-glance page on that CF
> (and that CF alone, all other sort bars are set to "none") I get a
> random list. At the moment, it looks like this:
> 3 - Minor
> 3 - Minor
> 2 - Major
> 2 - Major
> 4 - Informational
> 2 - Major
> 3 - Minor
> [...]
> No other order is apparent in the ticket list.
> Thoughts?
> --
> /Ole Craig
> Security Engineer
> Team lead, customer support
> 303-381-3802 (main support hotline)
> 303-381-3824 (my direct line)
> 303-381-3801 (fax)
> . . .

Best regards, Ruslan.

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