On Sat, Oct 14, 2006 at 07:53:44AM -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2006, at 6:48 PM, Joby Walker wrote:
> >OIDs were used to get the id of the last insert.  The was abandoned  
> >because of pgsql 8.1, but it was a horrible way to get the last id  
> >anyway.  Current versions of SB insert the row and then get the  
> >current value of the sequence associated with that table.  This is  
> >much faster and *should* be safe.
> Does it actually query the sequence or does it just pull the last  
> insert id from the connection's return status?  if the former, then  
> it is not multi-thread safe, if the latter then it is faster than  
> your method of pulling a sequence then doing insert (one trip to DB  
> vs. two).

    my $sequence_name = $self->IdSequenceName($table);
    unless ($sequence_name) { return ($sequence_name) }   # Class::ReturnValue
    my $seqsth = $self->dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT CURRVAL('} . $sequence_name . 
qq{')} );
    $self->{'id'} = $seqsth->fetchrow_array();

A dozen people assured me that this was considered the postgres-blessed way to 
do this these days. Is it not?

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