On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 16:19:02 -0400
Lee Whalen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake:

>    So after much putzing, I finally was able to get all my data from 
> 3.4.5 over to 3.6.1, *and* fix the weird CSS issue (long story, not the 
> best method *at all*, but it worked)  However, now that I'm able to log 
> into my shiny new 3.6.1 system and looking around, the look and feel is 
> *vastly* different from 3.4.5.  Has anyone else had this same problem, 
> or could I not have gotten out of the woods yet on this CSS issue?  Does 
> anyone have any screenshots of a good working 3.6.1 install?

I actually like it much better than the old one... At one location I am
using FogBugz which really is slick and this comes closer to it looks
wise.  Functionality wise I would say RT is lots farther ahead in
flexibility and being able to make modifications yourself. 

My one complaint is that, as someone else mentioned, a lot of screen
area is taken up with stuff in the top... I was thinking one bar across
the top with the super relevent stuff

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And all the rest of that gone

That would be nice.  When I have time to breath I will poke around some

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