This been discussed few times before, and its on the wiki (but it appears the wiki been attacked again) .. To add the initial request to the mail message what you need is to change the Transaction template to something similar to:

RT-Attach-Message: yes

This is an admin correspondence:

{$Transaction->CreatedAsString}: Request {$Ticket->id} was acted upon.
Transaction: {$Transaction->Description}
      Queue: {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
Subject: {$Transaction->Subject || $Ticket->Subject || "(No subject given)"}
      Owner: {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
      Ticket Queue = {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
 Requestors: {$Ticket->RequestorAddresses}
     Status: {$Ticket->Status}
Ticket <URL: {$RT::WebURL}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >

This ticket is now assigned to {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
The initial request was:
my $cont  = '';
my $trans = $Ticket->Transactions;
$trans->Limit(FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'Create');
while (my $tran = $trans->Next) {
   my $attach = $tran->Attachments;
   while (my $msg = $attach->Next){
     next unless $msg->ContentType =~ m!^(text/plain|message|text$)!i;
     my $content = $msg->Content;
     next unless $content;
     next if $cont eq $content;
     $cont = $content;
     my $wrapper = Text::Wrapper->new(columns=>70);
     $cont = $wrapper->wrap($cont);
} }
 $cont ;

Barry L. Kline wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Odhiambo WASHINGTON wrote:
* On 22/10/06 12:54 -0400, Barry L. Kline wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| | Odhiambo Washington wrote:
| > Hello All,
| > | > I need to implement a request my users have raised regarding RT. | > These are mainly to do with scrips, templates and display. | > My RT instance has been running so smoothly that my grasp of these | > things has somehow faded ;) | > | [snip] | > | > This transaction appears to have no content | > | > <cut> | > | > My scrip for this is: | > | > On Owner Change Notify Owner with template Transaction | > | > My "Transaction" template has a last line: {$Transaction->Content()} | > | > | > Q: Why could it be failing to pull the ticket content? | | I'm no expert, but I believe it's because the $Transaction object refers
| to the transaction where the owner was changed.  The Content() of this
| transaction is empty.  What you need to do is retrieve the ticket object
| that this transaction refers to and pull its content.

Hi Barry,

Your explanation seems very correct!
Do you have any pointers how I can achieve that though?

I'm afraid not.  As I said, I'm no expert on this.  You can find out
some more by studying the various templates in the software itself, or
by looking at the wiki:  http://wiki.bestpractical.com

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