I'm not positive from looking at your log there, but it looks to me like
the result of creating a new ticket...is that so?  (The custom condition
won't fire on ticket creation, just on a change to the custom field on
an existing ticket -- I've also got a separate scrip defined with the
built-in "on create" condition and the same custom action code.)

Does that help?

Mark Roedel
Senior Programmer / Analyst
LeTourneau University
Longview, Texas  USA

-----Original Message-----
From: joey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:55 AM
To: Roedel, Mark
Cc: RT-Users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: automatically set due date and priority based on


thanks for the fast reply!

I changed the internal id to "1" (that's what i saw in the URL while
editing the CustomField.). sadly it's not working :/

the rt.log says:
Nov 14 16:50:17 rt2 RT: About to think about scrips for transaction
#20772 Nov 14 16:50:17 rt2 RT: About to think about scrips for
transaction #20773 Nov 14 16:50:18 rt2 RT: About to think about scrips
for transaction #20774 Nov 14 16:50:18 rt2 RT: About to prepare scrips
for transaction #20774 Nov 14 16:50:18 rt2 RT: Found 3 scrips Nov 14
16:50:18 rt2 RT: About to commit scrips for transaction #20774 Nov 14
16:50:18 rt2 RT:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #3937/20774 -
Scrip 114 Create - ALL (/usr/local/rt3//lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:238)
Nov 14 16:50:19 rt2 RT: About to think about scrips for transaction
#20775 Nov 14 16:50:19 rt2 RT:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent  Bcc:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (/usr/local/rt3//lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:325)
Nov 14 16:50:19 rt2 RT: Ticket 3937 created in queue 'testqueue' by root

any other ideas? :/

Roedel, Mark wrote:
> Looking at the code, the first thing I can see that might trip you up 
> is in the custom condition, which refers to the custom field by its 
> internal ID ("13") rather than by its name.  If the problem you're 
> having is just that the scrip doesn't fire, that's probably the first 
> place I'd look.  (You can find the internal ID of your custom field by

> looking at the id parameter in the URL while you're editing it in the 
> configuration screens.)
> If that doesn't help, perhaps a bit more detail as to how the scrip is

> failing for you would be helpful...


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