I am playing with RT command line inteface. I try to create and edit tickets in command line mode. Unfourtunately every time I try to do something I get an error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rt comment -m 'response to ticket' 1136
rt: Server error: Service Unavailable (503)

Our RT installation works perfectly fine, both web and e-mail. This must be some very trivial problem which prevents us from using command line mode.

Any hints?

This suggests that the RT server URL you specified is perhaps not right and that the CLI can't get there. set the environment variable RTDEBUG=3 and see what turns up.


Thanks a lot. It works now.

Now I have a related question, I posted it already but got no responses.

How do I post correspondence to ticket from command line mode?

Suppose I have a file ticket.txt which contains the text I want to post. How can I post a reply using the content of ticket.txt?

I am aware about the options

rt -correspond -m 'my response' <ticket id>
rt -correspond -a ticket.txt <ticket id>

but they do not do what I want: -m option allows me to add only one line text while -a appends a file to ticket instead of posting content of ticket.txt as response.

In intercatcive mode the rt -correspond command opens editor and lets me type the ticket, but again I want the command to pick the content of ticket from a file.

any hints?

Tom Wlodek


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