Hi Everyone,


In several places within the 3.6.x release of Request Tracker, the code
has been modified to only display "open" and "new" tickets. Even though
the "stalled" state now show up on the Qucksearch menu. I have made the
changes to the various modules, about 8 or so, as we use the "stalled"
state when we have to put a ticket on hold.


To the authors, where in the code does Request Tracker generate the
links for "highest priority tickets I own" and "newest unowned tickets"
show on the "RT at a glance" page? I want to add the "stalled" state to
the links, but I cannot find where this information is maintained. I
used the grep command on virtual every module in the share/html
directory structure and in the RT lib directory, without finding what I
am looking for. The links contain only the "open" and "new" states, but
not the "stalled" state. The preferences for the above at a glance
areas, do not allow you to add or change ticket statuses as an option,
when you chose "Edit" for the at a glance areas.


Any help with this would be most welcome.





Nick Metrowsky

Consulting System Administrator

303-684-4785 Office

303-684-4100 Fax


DigitalGlobe (r), An Imaging and Information Company

http://www.digitalglobe.com <http://www.digitalglobe.com> 




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