>Again just another question for the CLI Part. Has anyone a idea how to add a
>set of users per scrip to a group?
>Lets say, i have a list of 500 User that are needed to be member of a single

  This isn't a direct answer, but several months ago I was wrestling with
  a similar issue of users and groups.  Although I'm sure I could hammer
  in some code to do this, after reading through the REST code, I started
  thinking about what would be involved in a REST2 interface, something
  that would provide more structure for extensions or modifications
  on the server end.

  I haven't coded anything yet, but I did write up some notes
  on what a new wire protocol and code organization might be like.


  Comments are welcome.  I'm mostly convinced, but not 100%
  sure this is a good way to go.  And probably my notes
  would change if/when I start building this.


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