Hi everybody,

i already realised to create create queues and groups via the API, that works all fine.
Where i hang at the moment is the right management.
I guess i can set rights for groups over something like
my $group = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup('my group name');
and than to set the right  i want for this group and the same for a queue.

But how to tell RT that for example in my Queue 'testqueue' the group 'testgroup' has the right to EditSafedSearches. Wow to do this in the API and how does RT organises this, i can understand how a group or a queue can get rights but the connection between both is a bit buffling to me at the moment, even i guess everything runs over ACL and Principals table.
Could anybody help me a bit out here.

Best Regards
Alexander Krieg

Alexander Krieg / IT-Benutzerservice / www.desy.de / Tel.+49-40-89983219
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY / Notkestr. 85 / D-22603 Hamburg


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