
If you are still running RT 3.4.4, you can ignore the part on
the patch to the DBIx::SearchBuilder module. You are almost
certainly running too old a version for it to apply. Our current
system is 3.4.5 and we had trouble with upgrading the module to
the latest release. I had assumed that you were going to be
running the 3.6.3 release. In the 3.4 series, you need to be
running 3.4.5 at a minimum to take advantage of some key
performance enhancements that affect the PostgreSQL support.
We could only use DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.36 with RT 3.4.5.
Everything works well except that the Tickets search page is
too slow to be usable. If you are not running 3.4.5 or later
it is actually another factor of 2-5 slower which made it
completely unusable.

I would really, really recommend that you upgrade to 3.6.3
with the latest SearchBuilder module and the patch that I sent
you. The performance of the Tickets query builder page draw
time goes from 8+secs in 3.4.5 to ~1sec in 3.6.3 with my patch.
The upgrade is pretty painless with the stickiest part being the
integration of local changes into the new release. Please let me
know if you have any further questions but if you are currently
running 3.4.4 with MySQL you will really see a difference on the
speed of the Tickets query screen when you go to PostgreSQL. This
is a direct result of the development taking place under MySQL
and tuning for other database backends takes place second. It is
easy to test both 3.4.5 and 3.6.3 with a dump of your current
installation and see if the performances problems with the pre-
3.6.3 release are acceptable to your users.


On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 05:19:35PM -0500, Scott Kronenfeld wrote:
> Ken,
> Thanks for your quick response.  I found the PostgreSQL tuning posts 
> (but not any that are 8.2 specific).
> I neglected to include my version number in the post, but we are running 
> RT 3.4.4.  We apparently don't have SearchBuilder installed (I'm 
> inheriting this installation of RT, and learning as I go).  I found it 
> on CPAN, but we don't have a installed.
> I just wanted to verify that our versions were close enough that your 
> comments apply.  We are exploring the OID comment now.
> Thanks for your help.
> Scot
> Kenneth Marshall wrote:
> >Scot,
> >
> >PostgreSQL 8.2 works well with RT. There was a post or two to
> >the mailing list that had some needed tuning suggestions. Also,
> >be sure to add my patch to DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/Pg.m to
> >make the Tickets query builder usable. I posted it to rt-users
> >but it has not been incorporated in DBIx::SearchBuilder as of
> >the 1.48 release. Here is the change needed:
> >
> >diff Pg.pm_ORIG
> >238c238
> ><         $$statementref = "SELECT main.* FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT 
> >FROM $$statementref ) distinctquery, $table main WHERE ( = 
> > ";
> >---
> >>        $$statementref = "SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM $$statementref";
> >
> >Also, dump the OID columns when you move to 8.2. If you have
> >any questions, let me know.
> >
> >Ken
> >
> >On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:42:58PM -0500, Scott Kronenfeld wrote:
> >>Does anyone have any experience using RT w/ postgres 8.2?  We are 
> >>upgrading postgres from v7.4.  Any comments or pointers would be 
> >>welcome.  Unfortunately, I have not had any hits on the mailing list 
> >>archives.
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Scot

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