Karen, Borut, & Stephan,

Thank you all for your replies. My intent is that once a person has already updated a CF, RT would recognise that a transaction has occurred against the ticket and my user-defined condition would execute, which would modify the ticket status field only. It's crucial to my design. Actually, if the CF goes back to it's previous setting, I won't really care as long as the status change takes place. I was also thinking of using this method for approvals (modify status to "rq apprvd") because I think it is less cumbersome than the delivered version (I can more easily control the effect). Thanks again.


Karen Nyenhuis wrote:
Have you tried setting the scrip stage to TransactionBatch? The scrip will then get triggered only once after all transactions have been generated. You then have to iterate over all the transactions to look for your condition. There is an example in the RT Essentials book.
Stephen Turner wrote:
> Also, there's a potential trap you can get caught in when updating
> ticket fields in scrips - if the update that fires the scrip is
> triggered from a ticket update screen, the value that is shown on the
> screen when the submit button is pressed can override your scrip update.
> For example, if your ticket is open, you make an update to a custom
> field, and this triggers a scrip that, in custom code, changes the
> status to 'stalled', the sequence of events that take place may set the
> ticket back to what it was on the screen (ie open). I haven't found a
> way round this one -

This just bit me today. I have a scrip that changes a custom field on
owner change. When user gives away a ticket from /Ticket/Modify.html,
there's also the current value of said custom field selected.

What happens is that the scrip changes the value of the custom field
just to have it set back in the next transaction.

This of course doesn't happen if I change the owner in the
ModifyPeople.html, but I don't think I am able to educate my users...

I really hope there is a solution to this that does not involve
modifying RT. If not, I'll just disable the owner update from
Modify.html. But that is, to put it mildly, crude.

Any ideas?

Borut Mrak.


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