On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:15 PM, Mike Friedman wrote:

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It looks like I may have to modify DBIx::SearchBuilder, in particular 'Handle.pm'. This is in order to access my RT mysql database via SSL.

It seems that the only way to get perl DBD::mysql to use SSL may be to provide a hashref in the connect call, something like this:

   DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass,
        mysql_read_default_file => "fully/qualified/path/to/my.cnf"

the DBD::mysql manpage lists this syntax also
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:test;mysql_read_default_file=/home/joe/my.cnf";

If that works, you may be able to change RT::Handle::BuildDSN in local/lib to do the right thing.
We'd also appreciate some sort of patch if that works.

Can I create a modified DBIx::Searchbuilder in my RT 'local/lib', just as if I were modifying an RT 'lib' module, even though DBIx::Searchbuilder is installed in 'site_perl' and not in the RT tree?

RT runs with local/lib first in @INC, so that should work if needed.
Of course, it might be better to get a patch submitted and an official release to support what you need.


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