We are also looking at SugarCRM (and it's ability to work with the Asterisk PBX). Rather than build CRM features into RT, it would be nice (for us) to have RT integrate with SugarCRM as an optional/stronger replacement for the SugarCRM ticket system.

We like RT, and as others have expressed here, we could really use the concept of a "Company" record to link individual requesters to. Even an "alias" linkage of some kind would be helpful. ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is also [EMAIL PROTECTED] and is also [EMAIL PROTECTED] - depending on where he is at the moment he opens tickets for his company using all three email accounts).

Just a thought..


On 25/05/2007, at 11:10 AM, Mathew Snyder wrote:
>>     - Customer database and the ability to track tickets per customer
> But this is what RT does anyway

RT is currently *not* a customer database, it is a ticketing system.

We are getting pressured to move to systems like NetSuite or SugarCRM because they have built in ticketing systems providing similar functionality to RT and also manage all of the customer information and relations.


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