Hi Everyone,
RT is setup and everything is working great for the most part. I'm using the LDAP overlay to auto create accounts when someone with an existing email sends a request. This works fine, but when someone sends an email that does not exist in LDAP, three messages are returned to this user. I would like to have only one email sent. I don't know if it has anything to do with my problems, but to get auto-creation to work, I had to give everyone the CreateTicket right, though the wiki claims this is not necessary. Any help would be really appreciated. The three emails are below.

User Could Not Be Loaded

User  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' could not be loaded in the mail gateway

User Could Not Be Created

User creation failed in mailgateway: Could not set user info

Could Not Load A Valid User

RT could not load a valid user, and RT's configuration does not allow
for the creation of a new user for your email.


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