Hi David,

The link that Jose posted is pretty similar to what I used to hook into
our ActiveDirectory on Win2k3 server here.

I did make these changes to get it to work however.  The Doc I read 12
months ago said to filter on sAMAccountName, that didn't work for me.

#Set($LdapFilter, '(objectclass=sAMAccountName)');
Set($LdapFilter, '(objectclass=*)');

Getting the Set($LdapBase, ''); right can be a challenge, use ldapsearch
on linux to walk your AD server, it will also confirm that your
Set($LdapUser) is setup correctly.  That you have to be sure of, we've
had our LdapUser expire on the AD server and it locked everyone out of
RT because it couldn't bind.

Unlike the link instructions, I do have SSL turned on, worked for me.

# These turn on SSL for LDAP
Set($LdapTLS, 0);
Set($LdapSSLVersion, 3);

- Scott


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