Hi List


Got RT 3.6.4 with fast_cgi, apache2 on a freebsd 6.2


I installed the scrip condition "ReplyToResolved" and the scrip action
"ForkIntoNewTicket" copied from the wiki.

The installation gave me a error about the "DropSetGIDPermissions()" so
I commented it out. Afterwards the new condition and action appeared in
the dropdown menu.


Unfortunately I run the install from the "ForkIntoNewTicket" two times.
How do I remove now the second action which have been created? But
that's not the main problem.


Then I made a global script as followed:


Description: Replies to resolved tickets create a new ticket

Condition: ReplyToResolved

Action: ForkIntoNewTicket

Template: Global template: Correspondence

Stage: TransactionCreate


As I understand, this should create a new ticket if somebody answers to
a resolved ticket.


But when I tested it, it just added a new comment to the resolved ticket
and nothing else.


Do I have to restart the apache when I configured a new scrip?

Any suggestions? What did I do wrong?

Thanks Ruben





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