Michael Maxwell writes:
 > Hello,

Hi Michael

 > Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, but if so, I must
 > have missed it.

I found the answer in http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/FAQ but only
because I already knew the answer. Searching for 'dropped attachments'
or 'attachments silently dropped' returned nothing.

However, searching for 'site:wiki.bestpractical.com attachments
silently dropped' in Google brings it up no problem.

 > We have rt-3.6.6 running on linux (CentOS 4.6).  We're using fetchmail as
 > the means of getting email to the system from an IMAP server hosted offsite.
 > Normal emails (emails without attachments) go through fine and create
 > tickets as expected.  However, any message that contains an attachment of
 > any size never seems to make it through to RT.  [...]
 > Set($TruncateLongAttachments , undef);
 > Set($MaxAttachmentSize , 10000000);
 > Set($DropLongAttachments , undef);
 > Any help or pointers to things to check would be greatly appreciated.

Check your database for the largest transaction it can handle. In
MySQL that's the max_allowed_packet. You can check it by running 'show

| max_allowed_packet              | 8387584 |

Any attachment greater than that size will be dropped. I think the
default value is 1MB. When that happens, we get a stacktrace in the RT
log. We're quite happy to not allow attachments that size in, so we
monitor the logs and when it happens we grab the file from our
procmail holding area if it's useful or re-educate the requestor

Hope this helps,

Michael Brader                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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