On Aug 7, 2008, at 2:21 PM, Michael Silver wrote:

> Back in July, Cameron posted a message to the list regarding an
> installation problem. (See
> http://lists.bestpractical.com/pipermail/rt-users/2008-July/ 
> 052816.html
> for his message.) As far as I can tell, there wasn't a response sent  
> to
> the list, and I had a similar problem. I'm posting this in case my
> experience helps anyone else out.

There was a bug with the packaging tools and 3.8, this was
corrected in the RTFM trunk.

The problem was the
--datafile etc/initialdata

argument being passed during make initdb


> Thanks to Ruslan, I've now got a fresh working installation of RT  
> 3.8.0.
> I went to install RTFM and ran into an issue with the initdb step. It
> returned
> Working with:
> Type:   mysql
> Host:   db01.prl.ab.ca
> Name:   ref_ill_rt
> User:   refrt
> DBA:    refrt
> Now populating database schema.
> Couldn't finish 'schema' step.
> ERROR: Couldn't find schema file(s) '*'
> ...returned with error: 65280
> make: *** [initdb] Error 255
> I noticed that it was using the db-rt-user as both user and dba. The
> configure line for RT did specify the db-dba as root. I tried the  
> refrt
> password, and it connected but returned the error above. (Using the  
> root
> password with the above settings returned an access denied message as
> expected.) I then replaced the dba in the perl command line with root,
> but got the same error as above.
> I went hunting for the schema and found it in
> RTFM-2.2.1/etc/schema.mysql. So I cheated and ran mysql -h
> db01.prl.ab.ca -D ref_ill_rt -u root -p < schema.mysql and it  
> appears to
> have worked. The other line in the Makefile refers to acl, but the
> acl.mysql file says there aren't any changes needed in mysql for ACL  
> so
> I didn't run it.
> Below is the complete run from perl Makefile.PL up to the error  
> message
> in case it helps.
> Michael
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] RTFM-2.2.1]# perl Makefile.PL
> Using RT configurations from /opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm:
> ./bin   => /opt/rt3/local/bin
> ./etc   => /opt/rt3/local/etc/FM
> ./html  => /opt/rt3/share/html
> ./lib   => /opt/rt3/local/lib
> ./po    => /opt/rt3/local/po/FM
> ./sbin  => /opt/rt3/local/sbin
> For first-time installation, type 'make initdb'.
> *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
> *** Checking for Perl dependencies...
> [Core Features]
> Cannot reliably compare non-decimal formatted versions.
> Please install version.pm or Sort::Versions.
> - RT                ...loaded. (3.8.0 >= 3.4.2)
> - Text::WikiFormat  ...loaded. (0.79)
> - Tree::Simple      ...loaded. (1.18)
> - HTML::TreeBuilder ...loaded. (3.23)
> - Time::ParseDate   ...loaded. (2006.0814)
> - HTML::FormatText  ...loaded. (2.04)
> - YAML              ...loaded. (0.66)
> *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
> Open input '/root/RTFM-2.2.1/t/utils.pl' file for substitution
> Open output '/root/RTFM-2.2.1/t/utils.pl' file for substitution
> Writing Makefile for RTFM
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] RTFM-2.2.1]# make
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Topic_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Article.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::TopicCollection_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ObjectTopic.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Record.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ObjectTopicCollection_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::URI::fsck_com_rtfm.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Class.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ArticleCollection.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::URI::a.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Article_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ObjectTopicCollection.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ClassCollection_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ArticleCollection_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Class_Overlay.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::SearchBuilder.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::TopicCollection.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::Topic.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::ClassCollection.3pm
> Manifying blib/man3/RT::FM::System.3pm
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] RTFM-2.2.1]# make install
> Writing
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/ 
> RTFM/.packli
> st
> Appending installation info to
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] RTFM-2.2.1]# make initdb
> /usr/bin/perl -Ilib -I/opt/rt3/local/lib -I/opt/rt3/lib
> /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action schema --datadir etc -- 
> datafile
> etc/initialdata --dba refrt --prompt-for-dba-password
> In order to create or update your RT database, this script needs to
> connect to your  mysql instance on db01.prl.ab.ca as refrt
> Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
> database
> password, just press return.
> Password:
> Working with:
> Type:   mysql
> Host:   db01.prl.ab.ca
> Name:   ref_ill_rt
> User:   refrt
> DBA:    refrt
> Now populating database schema.
> Couldn't finish 'schema' step.
> ERROR: Couldn't find schema file(s) '*'
> ...returned with error: 65280
> make: *** [initdb] Error 255
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