Hi, we want to move from RT 3.6.6 to RT 3.8 at my work, and we want to use
Ubuntu for our new RT server.  I've searched around, and I'm pretty sure I
even mailed the Ubuntu RT package maintainers, but I haven't gotten a solid
answer to when there will be an RT 3.8 package available in the Ubuntu
repository.  I'm not too familiar with Debian packages yet, but any advice
on this subject would be greatly appreciated.  Right now I really only know
two things about this issue:

1. There is a package in the Ubuntu universe repository called
request-tracker3.6 that I have successfully installed on a virtual machine,
so if the package did get updated in the future, I could probably just do
apt-get upgrade and it would upgrade RT automatically for me (right?)

2. After a bit of searching, I found this
I'm really not sure what I would be able to do with it.  I realize
a Debian package, but would I want to install this?  My concern is what if
the maintainer one day decides to stop supporting it?  Would an Ubuntu
package be more reliable?

Thanks for any help.


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